Privacy policy
Privacy policy
We ask for your consent for all personal information collected, used, and disclosed prior to or at the time of collection. Read more...
How it Works
We also provide a monthly plan for those with ongoing problems.
Plans You Can Choose From
You send us a single image/picture or description of your problem area and we send you a quick, short, text-based consultation. This is an economical, entry-level plan with a basic, minimal-information consult on a single dental problem.
You send us up to three images/pictures and a written description of your single dental problem and we send you a detailed, clear video “Tooth Talk”. This is our most popular, best value option. For an example of what you will receive, watch this video.
You send us up to 10 images/pictures and a written description of multiple dental problems and we send you a clear, detailed video “Tooth Talk” addressing your dental issues. This provides you with the confidence to plan your dental future and take hold of your health.
You send us unlimited numbers of images/pictures and written descriptions of unlimited numbers of dental problems and we send you a comprehensive video “Tooth Talk” addressing your entire dental health along with all relevant medical and pharmacological factors as they relate to your dental needs. This “Tooth Talk” delivers maximum detail and discussion and provides you with a comprehensive plan to address your dental needs.